The Methodist Church - Leeds (North East) Circuit

Preacher Development

Report of the Meeting of the CLPD Group ‘Helping Preachers’

20th February 2009

Six members of the Group met.

The meeting continued the discussion on prayer, beginning with a resumé of the points made at the last meeting, especially the relationship between God, the 'Pray-er', the congregation and those inside and outside the Church who are being prayed for.

The work on prayers of approach, adoration and confession was concluded.  It was observed that confession might fit better in a later part of the service, when people were more attuned to worship and their relationship with God, rather than in the traditional position near the start.

The meeting then looked at issues arising from prayers of intercession.  John Main's observation that 'Praying is taking us into the stream of love between Jesus and his Father' was the starting point and led to a number of issues:

We concluded that prayers of intercession should be addressed to God, and that they should not be telling him things he already knows.

The next meeting will be on Friday 20th March at 14:00 at Jane Craske's Manse, when we shall be considering the interaction between Preachers and Congregations.  Matters to be discussed could include practical preaching issues, the nature of different congregations and when is this interaction between preacher and congregation most fruitful.  Group members are invited to consider examples from their own experience before the meeting, in order to use them as examples during the discussion.     


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